Book Review: Treasure by Dana Peters-Colley
Book Review: Treasure by Dana Peters-Colley
“Do you feel like treasure? Do you feel like you are special and have been made for a purpose that drives you on the inside? If you feel like you are treasure, then, this book will help you to go even further. If you don’t feel like you are treasure, this book will help you get in touch with what you treasure, how your are God’s treasure, and what is valuable to God.” (from page 15) Well put and accurate, too.
This book felt full of love, truth, wisdom and passion. In fact, it was overflowing and dripping of these things. So don’t let the relatively short number of pages fool you, this book is “loaded”.
Ms. Colley is transparent and authentic as she shares parts of her own exciting adventure with God. She uses a conversational and friendly way of writing that invites you to take her by the hand as a friend as she tells you her story and gives out wonderful advice.
I would advice buyers of this book not to speed through and read it all at one sitting. There is way too much “meat” in there and there are a great many really good things suggested to pray about that it will take some time to get all you can out of this book. In fact, this book, if you let it, will lead you into the deeper and higher things of God. Are you hungry for that?
If you are content to live a boring, listless, apathetic walk with Christ, this book is not for you. If you are ready to live a more alive, exciting adventure-type walk with Christ, then run, don’t walk to get this book.
To purchase your own copy of this book go here:Treasure
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author herself. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
(c) 2013 Cheryl Cope
Thank you for this thoughtful review!
You’re welcome. It was honest.