Chasing Elephants by Brent Crowe
Chasing Elephants by Brent Crowe
The title of the book was just as intriguing as the subtitle and topic of it —wrestling with the gray areas of life. It addressed, from a biblical point of view, those areas of life that are not directly addressed by scripture, such as social drinking, social media, and others. It even tackled the controversial subject of homosexuality, not just whether it was right or wrong, but also what our response should be to those involved in it.
Even though the title and topic were intriguing, I had a little trouble getting into it in the first couple of chapters. My mind kept wandering all over the place and it seemed, well, boring.
Then the author started sharing more of himself as he went along and that made it much more interesting. Ultimately it was totally engaging. Near the very end of the book he shared a touching personal story that actually made me cry.
Brent Crowe offered a series of several questions in which we could use to test the gray areas of life. I thought the questions looked like they would be helpful but I doubt if I will actually use them. Instead the personal application I came away with was to better follow my own conscience and to not judge others as they follow theirs.
I especially liked the way the author told us more than once that is was o.k. to not come to the same conclusions as he did on the issues discussed. Instead he shared his conclusions so that he could illustrate the process he used to get there.
If you are wrestling with some “gray” areas of life, this book should prove helpful. For me it helped to solidify some of my views a little bit more than before reading it.
To purchase your own copy of this book go here: Chasing Elephants: Wrestling with the Gray Areas of Life
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Navpress Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CRF, Part 225: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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