Self Talk Challenge
What are you saying to yourself? Is it positive or negative? How does what you think about yourself affect your life? Take the self talk challenge.
Continue reading →What are you saying to yourself? Is it positive or negative? How does what you think about yourself affect your life? Take the self talk challenge.
Continue reading →All about God’s mercy and lovingkindness towards us and how it lasts forever.
Continue reading →What does God command for us to do with *all* of your heart? What does that look like? What promise does He have for *all* of your heart?
Continue reading →God looks on the heart—-How can we look on the heart? Is there a “symptom” that gives us a good clue to what’s in our hearts?
Continue reading →Guard Your Heart—What does that mean? Why do we do it? How do we do it?
Continue reading →Why does God try our hearts? What is a proper response to that trying?
Continue reading →Examples of the different kinds of hearts listed in the Bible. Which kind is yours?
Continue reading →Why be creative? How can we foster our own creativity?
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