Affirmations on Who We are in Christ Part 3
Affirmations on Who We are in Christ Part 3
Repeat these affirmations out loud as often as you like, the more the better. If you do it often enough, you will actually start to believe them. You are not trying to convince God, you are trying to convince your own heart.
Free free to put your first name into the sentences in place of “I” or “me”. These are all firmly based on scripture so recite liberally.
Because I am in Christ, I am…
or Because I am His, I am… [put one of these in front of each phrase below]
Because I am in Christ, I am…Anointed
Because I am His, I am...Righteous
Cleansed from all sin
Free from the law of sin and death
Given the Holy Spirit as a pledge (“earnest”)
Always having my needs met by His riches
Kept by God
Given the mind of Christ
Part of a royal priesthood
An heir of God through Christ
Inseparable from His love
An overcomer
Always triumphing in Christ
On the winning side
Personalized and paraphrased from these King James scriptures: 1 John 2:27, 1 John 1:7, Rom. 8:2, 2 Cor. 1:22, 2 Tim. 1:12, Rom. 8:38-39, 1 Pet. 2:7, Gal. 4:7, 2 Cor. 2:14, 1 Cor. 2:16, Rom 12:6, Phil 4:19, 1 Jn. 5:4-5, Col 2:15, Rom 3:22. Join the conversation. Share your ideas or questions in the comment form below. Other blog posts you may like:Affirmations on Who We are in Christ part 2
Affirmations on Who We are in Christ part 1
Affirmations on the Love of God
Biblical Affirmations on God Being with Us
(c) 2011 Cheryl Cope
This is great! Thank you for posting! God bless you!