Biblical Meditation
Biblical Meditation
True Christian or biblical meditation is not making your mind go blank. It is filling your mind with God’s words and God’s thoughts. It is letting your mind think, ponder, contemplate, and reflect on God’s words. Some people compare it to a cow chewing its cud, letting yourself think about a passage of scripture over and over and over again throughout the day.
Others say it isn’t true meditation unless you also say at least part of it out loud, as in the word, mutter, like muttering to yourself. I think truths about God’s character are good things to make into affirmations so that is one way to say it out loud, too.
Tips for Meditation
Ask God to help you choose one short passage to meditate on per day or per week. Set aside time to review the passage, even schedule it into your calendar if necessary. Set up reminders to help you remember to think about it, such as posting post it notes in places that you will see frequently through out the day or pop up reminders on your desktop or smartphone. Ask God to help you meditate, to give you revelation, to give you motivation to keep meditating the entire day, to give you delight in His word, or any other things that you need from God to help you meditate on and understand the passage you’ve chosen.
Don’t substitute study or memorization for meditation. Be sure to let your mind have plenty of time to think deeply. Make sure to do some of your thinking out loud, as muttering, praying, or affirmations.Think about your chosen passage immediately before going to sleep asking God to give you revelation and your subconscious (and God) will help you meditate overnight.
Meditating on God’s Character
As important as it is to know who we are in Christ, it is even more important to know who God really is. How can we believe what He says about us if we don’t know and believe anything about Him?
I will be posting a series of posts on some of the attributes of God. My hope is that you will use these as a springboard to do your own meditation. Notice I did not say study. Study is good and has its place but meditation goes deeper and is more apt to make us actually believe what we are meditating on.
Be sure to check back here again soon for the attributes of God to meditate on.