Book Review: Enlivened by Faith by Arian T. Moore
Book Review: Enlivened by Faith by Arian T. Moore
As with a lot of books the subtitle is very telling—Losing Weight with God’s Help. The author makes it clear that this is going to be a spiritual battle and journey that you are embarking on when you attempt to lose weight.
She tells you all about how God helped her to lose weight and to keep it off. The author weaves in scripture references to God, and prayers throughout and they are not merely “tacked on”. I particularly liked the prayers to pray at the end of every chapter.
The author also has you pray and ask God to help you get to the root of the issue, which is something I have my own weight loss clients do.
I agree on the emphasis the author puts on health versus body size or the number on a scale or the number of rippling muscles you might have.
There are plenty of good tips and things to do in this book to help you on your weight loss journey. Included are sample recipes and sample workouts.
One of the main benefits that I can foresee from this book is for people who need a good kick-in-the-backside to keep on going. The author seems hard-nosed about the work that it will take to get you where you want to be. (It isn’t only about praying!) She even tackles the subjects of gluttony and laziness in such a way that you can’t make excuses, but not to the point where you would feel condemned and want to give up. She merely tells you like it is and expects you to buck up. There are quite a few people out there who would benefit from this no nonsense, no excuses allowed, type of motivation.
There was a lot of the philosophy of weight loss (the how-to part) presented in this book that I agreed with. For example, we agreed that it is 80% about what you eat, that exercise is still very important, that you need to reduce sugar intake, that you need to intake enough protein and that you need to eat lots of vegetables.
Since I am a weight loss coach I thought I needed to clarify briefly what I did not agree with lest people assume I did agree after reading my mostly favorable review. I do not agree that to be successful at weight loss you need to count calories and that it is about calories in vs. how many calories you expend in work or exercise. I do not agree that you need or should eat low-fat to lose weight. This is in no way intended to start an argument with anyone, but only to clarify my own beliefs.
There is a lot of really good stuff contained in this book and if you think you could benefit from the motivation side of this issue (that kick-in-the-backside that I mentioned earlier) then this book is for you!
To get your own copy of this book go here: Enlivened by Faith: Losing Weight with God’s Help
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author herself. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
(c) 2012 Cheryl Cope
Cheryl Cope on Google+
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