Book Review: Finding Favor with the King by Tommy Tenney
Book Review: Finding Favor with the King by Tommy Tenney
Preparing For Your Moment In His Presence
Some books aren’t worth buying or reading. Some books are worth reading once. Some books are worth storing for a possible re-read. And others are worth re-reading and even studying. This book is the latter.
This book also is not a breeze-through-it type of book but a stop-and-ponder or even a stop-and-pray type of book.
It’s main message is the book of Esther and could have been titled or subtitled something like, Esther Unveiled or Esther Revealed.
The author starts out by telling the readers why the story is relevant and important for today.
For each point not only does he use the story of Esther but uses historical information and personal stories and weaves expertly back and forth between these tying each point back to Esther and at times to what Jesus did for us.
I found this book to be the opposite of boring. Instead it was truly fascinating, just a bit less than riveting. And even though at times he repeats things for emphasis it is not boring because he does it in such a way as to uncover a new facet or a new insight of the truth.
Mr. Tenney also writes in such a way as to incite desire—you will want to become a true worshipper in the King’s Presence after reading this book.
A few choice tidbit quotes from the book:
With relationship comes access, and with intimacy comes influence. (p. 76)
Pure motives and passionate pursuit of the King’s face is what will also bring you to that place of favor. (p. 124)
…preparation trumps permission in the presence of the king. (p.146)
Nothing attracts God’s presence and His intervening power like focused and single-minded worship. (p.164)
If you are hungry for more of God, are in need of his favor, are in need of his power or simply want to be more hungry for God, this book is for you.
To purchase your own copy of this book go here:Finding Favor With the King: Preparing For Your Moment in His Presence
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers as part of their blogging for books program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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(c) 2015 Cheryl Cope

Pingback:» Book Review: Finding Favor with the King by Tommy Tenney
Oh I love this! I loved his book “Hadassah: One night with the king” and definitely want to check this one out.
It made me want to watch the movie, One Night with the King, all over again.
Excellent review, Cheryl. I’m going to add it to my list. I’m going through the Truth Project right now which also is about passionately seeking His face.
Not sure which list you mean but I’d like to see a link to it whatever it is.
I just mean my “to read” list. I have a board on pinterest though I need to separate it out by books for me and books for our daughter. Right now it is dominated by kids books!
A link to your pinterest board would be fine, too!
Here you go!
Thanks Kristi!
Wow, sounds like a wonderful book!! I will go look for my own copy!
It is a wonderful book.