Book Review: Radical Well-Being by Rita Hancock, MD
Book Review: Radical Well-Being by Rita Hancock, MD
…A biblical guide to overcoming pain, illness, & addictions (by-line from the from cover)
This is truly a biblical guide. “Your answers start with your submitting your mind to God.” (from the introduction, page xix) “Before you read the list, please pray”. (from chapter one, page 5) There are numerous exhortations to pray and involve God in your healing. In fact, more than half of the book is devoted to exploring the spiritual aspects of disease and healing.
Being a coach, I love asking questions, and asking questions of God. Because of this, I greatly loved the “Questions to Ask God in Prayer” points at the end of almost every chapter. They were wonderful and if you are someone who has a little trouble hearing God (or think you do) she has tips to help with that on page 9 of chapter one.
Being a medical doctor, the author includes a lot of medical advice but she is open to other modalities of healing, especially prayer and inner healing. Being trained in inner healing myself, I thought this was fantastic. It is rare to find a medical doctor so open to the spiritual.
She includes several client composite stories that I found insightful. For most readers you will find yourself to some degree in at least one of these stories. Between the medical stories and further exploring the spiritual side of healing, the author explores such issues as emotional eating, stress, believing lies, the need for forgiveness and more.
Some other gems are:
- prayers for emotional healing
- scripture for self-talk and meditation
- the author’s acronym for BUSY as Being Under Satan’s Yoke
- the discrepancy between heart and head belief explained and remedied (p. 85-86)
- the emotional eating quote by Dr. Marleen Williams, “It’s not the food you want. It’s how the food makes you feel.”
- and one of my personal pet peeves…an index IS included
On the medical side, I should note that the author favors OMM (osteopathic manual medicine). That’s because that is what she is trained in so that is to be expected. Every reader needs to seek God for themselves as to which modalities, medical or otherwise, they need to be exploring to further their own wellness.
If you are interested in finding a truly Christian book that explores both the medical side of sickness and healing and the spiritual side of the same, do yourself a favor and buy yourself a copy of this book.
To purchase your own copy of this book go here: Radical Well-being: A biblical guide to overcoming pain, illness, and addictions
To visit the author’s websites follow these links:
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author herself. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
(c) 2013 Cheryl Cope
Cheryl Cope on Google+
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