Getting Closer to God Series Part 7
Getting Closer to God Series Part 7
This is the seventh post in a series to help you get closer to God. If you missed the previous posts scroll down to the bottom for links to those.
More on Biblical Meditation
I wanted to expand on the introduction from last week on biblical meditation without duplicating my post specifically on that topic.
I want to give you some specific suggestions on what to meditate on.
The first suggestion is to meditate on the scriptures that describe the throne of God in heaven. I specifically suggest that you try to picture these in your imagination. Ultimately, it is a matter of what you picture in your head not if. God made us to think in pictures so go ahead and do it with His Word!
Meditate on Ezekiel 1:4-28. Then try meditating on Isaiah 6:1-8. Then try Revelations 4:1-11.
The second suggestion is to meditate on the scriptures that describe the character of God.
I have previously posted a whole series on some of the character qualities of God so you can use these to get you started.
Important note: Technically, if you are a born again Christian you already are close to God. The Holy Spirit is living inside of you. How much closer can He get? But there is a place of feeling closer and of getting to know God better. That is what these posts are really all about.
Please share how it worked out for you after meditation on God’s word. message”.
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For other posts in this series go to these links:
(c) 2012 Cheryl Cope
Cheryl Cope on Google+
Great post, Cheryl. I have gotten into the habit of using the letters of the alphabet to meditate on the attributes of God before I fall asleep at nights. It has helped me a great deal.
That’s a great idea! Thanks for sharing that!
I love your exhortation to use picturing things in our minds as we meditate. This is so true and so helpful. I often picture Jesus swinging me around or holding me as a four year old girl in a blue dress – just delighting in me as my dad. I think this meaningful to me because I never had a dad who did this for me. Like Angela, I like to go thru the alphabet to think of things to praise God about Who he is. Thanks, Cheryl. blessings, Amy
Thanks for sharing the specific thing that you “picture”. That may help another reader. Thanks for commenting. Blessings back to you.