Favorite Phillips, Craig and Dean Songs
Favorite Phillips, Craig and Dean Songs
Phillips, Craig and Dean is my favorite Christian band for worship songs. At least half of the time when I notice that I am liking a song on the Christian radio station it ends up to be from them. Some of the time, their songs even make me cry. Below are my favorites.
You Are My King (Amazing Love) by Phillips, Craig and Dean:
Amazed by Phillips, Craig and Dean:
Your Grace Still Amazes Me by Phillips, Craig and Dean:
Revelation Song by Phillips, Craig and Dean:
When the Stars Burn Down by Phillips, Craig and Dean:
Here I Am To Worship by Phillips, Craig and Dean:
Which one is your favorite? Do you have another Christian band that you love to worship with? Please share in the comment section below.
(c) 2013 Cheryl Cope
Cheryl Cope on Google+
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