Fostering More Creativity
Fostering More Creativity
Since using our creativity is displaying the image of God, then it follows that we should try to be more creative.
What are some ways we can foster our own creativity?
Exercise! As a wellness coach, I was pleasantly surprised to find this reason! Here’s a link to a study that linked more creativity to more exercise.
Play! Again, a pleasant surprise. Here’s a link that talks about how playing can help you be more creative, more inventive and better at problem solving as well as lots of other non-creative benefits to play.
Sleep! REM sleep to be exact. Getting a good night’s sleep will help you be more creative. Here’s a link to an article explaining this piece a little bit more.
More ways to foster creativity
Stop watching TV.
Give yourself plenty of “think” time. Creativity can’t be forced and happens most often when not under any time deadline.
Allow yourself to be very curious.
Don’t stop learning and doing new things.
Experiment with different types of creativity. Are you a musician? Try some new art technique. Are you a creative cook? Try writing something creative. Are you a decorator? Try singing a new song. Like to sew? Try planning a new garden.
Ask yourself, “What if”, “What else”, and “Why not”, questions.
Even more ways…
Collect inspiring quotes and images.
Try to get around other creative people.
Do something creative every day.
Read about things outside of your normal interests.
Carry a notepad or journal to write down your ideas so you won’t forget them.
Make a practice of brainstorming. (Be sure to quiet your “inner critic” while doing this.)
Be happy. Being in a good mood enhances your creative thinking abilities.
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