Getting Closer to God Series Part 8
Getting Closer to God Series Part 8
This is the eighth post in a series to help you get closer to God. If you missed the previous posts scroll down to the bottom for links to those.
Soaking in God’s Presence
“Soaking” to me is a combination of resting, listening and worship. It is getting into a “receiving” mode, a restful mode, a listening mode, with an internal worshipful heart towards God. There is to be no striving in prayer here even though it is also called soaking prayer.
Soaking is best facilitated with worship music that does not have an aggressive beat to it that is anointed with the Lord’s Presence. There is worship music made just for this purpose. One of my favorite artists for this type of music is Alberto and Kimberly Rivera’s music. I also like Steven Swanson but not all of his music is suitable for soaking.
How to Soak
Most people like to get comfortable by laying down to soak. It may look like you’re taking a nap but that is not the intent. If you do fall asleep though, it’s not horrible either!
So you get comfortable, put on some anointed soaking music, quiet your anxious thoughts and keep turning them to Jesus, listen for His voice, and receive His love.
If you’ve never heard of “soaking” before or never done it before this might sound a little strange but believe me if you get started with it you will “swear” by it just like thousands of other Christians from around the world. You will be in good company.
For further information
I do not like to recreate what’s already been done so for more in depth information please visit this website:
Important note: Technically, if you are a born again Christian you already are close to God. The Holy Spirit is living inside of you. How much closer can He get? But there is a place of feeling closer and of getting to know God better. That is what these posts are really all about.
Please share how it worked out for you after trying soaking in His Presence.
Join the conversation. Share your ideas or questions in the comment form below.
For earlier posts in this series go to these links:
(c) 2012 Cheryl Cope
Cheryl Cope on Google+
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