Healthy Duck Recipes
Healthy Duck Recipes
We can get stuck in a rut if we keep serving beef, chicken, and pork over and over and over and over. Who wants to eat the same thing every day? Let’s break up the monotony and try some new meats!
Recipe Links:
Roast Duck with Orange Marmalade
A recipe is only as “healthy” as its ingredients!! The best ingredients are fresh, organically grown/raised, non-processed with as little preservatives/additives added as possible. Even better are items in season, locally grown—check your local farmer’s markets. Best of all—home grown where YOU are in control of the soil and plants!
If you end up trying these recipes, please post about your experience in the comment section below. Post comment below.
Hi Cheryl,
Well, I’ll confess. I’ve NEVER eaten duck. You make it sound good but unless you come and cook it for me, I’m still not sure I’m ready to try it :). Do you deliver??
Sorry, do not deliver. To get the BEST first taste of duck I suggest looking for an expensive French restaurant. Yum!!
Cheryl I love coming to your blog because you always provide recipes for foods I probably wouldn’t try. Much like Kim I’ve never had duck and I think I’ll try it at that fancy French restuarant you mentioned before I attempt it at home!