How do we Know the Bible is True? by Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge
How do we Know the Bible is True? by Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge
It must be emphasized that this book is in the field of apologetics. Merely because of that fact alone I must say that it was not “entertaining” or “light”. I don’t have a lot of other books in that particular narrow field so I can’t compare it to other apologetic works so keep that in mind as you read my review.
First, what I liked about it. I liked the fact that there were many different contributing authors. Not only were they experts on the chapter they wrote about but it made it more interesting to read different author’s styles of writing. I liked the many, varied topics included and different approaches to the arguments (one being archeology). It seemed to me that they left “no stone unturned” in the list of topics/arguments included.
This book used logic, reason, and debate in its arguments. There was nothing experiential about it at all. Not surprising, given the topic. Their logic and reasoning seemed sound and biblical to me. I found no fault with it. But I did find it boring, I think in part because I don’t need to be convinced of anything—-I have no lingering doubts as to the truth of the Bible.
For someone who may have some lingering doubts about the inerrancy of the Bible, supposed contradictions in the Bible, the reality of miracles or things like that, this book is just what you need. The authors arguments were sound and very thorough. There was much more here than simply, “because the Bible says so.”
If your faith is under attack, for example if you are a young college student at a secular school, this book may be helpful for you. If you are teaching your own children or young people (junior high age and up) at church this book may be helpful for you .
Even though the title may have alluded that this book may be good to give to unbelievers I don’t think that would be a good idea. People generally can’t be “argued” into the kingdom of God. No matter how well thought out, how true and how well presented the arguments in this book may be, if someone doesn’t want to believe it, they will find some excuse to not believe it. In fact, I believe it would help to send them in the opposite direction. This could possibly be alleviated to some extent if much much prayer were included on your part (the giver of the book), but unless God specifically tells you to give this book to an unbeliever, don’t do it.
To sum up: this book is good for struggling believers, young believers, possibly new believers, believers that teach those categories or if you happen to really like apologetics.
To purchase your own copy of your book go here: How Do We Know the Bible is True?
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from New Leaf Publishing Group’s blogging for books program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 225: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Cheryl Cope on Google+
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