Jesus is All
All-atoning (our complete atonement)
All-beauteous (perfectly beautiful)
All-bountiful (of infinite bounty)
All-commanding (having sovereignty over all)
All-conquering (that subdues all)
Jesus is…
All-divine (supremely excellent)
All-forgiving (forgiving all)
All-giver (the giver of all things)
All-good (completely good)
All-gracious (perfectly gracious)
All-healing (healing all things)
Jesus is…
All-judging (possessing the sovereign right of judging)
All-just (perfectly just)
All-kind (perfectly kind)
All-knowing (having all knowledge)
All-loving (of infinite love)
All-merciful (of perfect mercy)
Jesus is…
All-perfect (completely perfect)
All powerful (omnipotent)
All-ruling (governing all things)
All-sagacious (having all sagacity)
All-saving (saving all)
Jesus is…
All-seeing (seeing everything)
All-sufficient (sufficient to everything)
All-sustaining (upholding all things)
All-wise (possessed of infinite wisdom)
All-worthy (of infinite worth)
What is our response to this?
Why, praise of course! What else can you do for such an awesome God as this?
He is the only one worthy of these words and perhaps that is why most of them have been taken out of our modern dictionaries. These words came from the 1828 edition of Noah Webster’s dictionary (my personal favorite).
What is your reponse to this list of wonderful words to describe our awesome Lord, King, and Saviour, Jesus Christ?
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