My One Little Word for 2013
My One Little Word for 2013
My “word” for 2013 is TRUTH.
It is the word I am going to be focusing on this whole year. I actually “bit the bullet” and signed up for a class to help me in this endeavor— Ali Edward’s One Little Word class.
I’ve had “words” or phrases for the past two years and did have some success in incorporating them into my life but I felt like I could use some help along those lines. My phrase for 2012 was “Pray and Obey”. My word for 2011 was “Be”.
I chose “Truth” this year because it’s always been very important to me. I love to study the Bible. I don’t ever like to lie. I’ve had “truth” as part of my personal mission statement since 2005, when I first made one.
Being the extremely eclectic person that I am, I will be incorporating Christian things into Ali’s homework. Right off the bat, I looked up several scripture verses that contained the word truth. Here are a few choice ones:
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life…Jn. 14:6 KJV
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth…Jn. 16:13 KJV
God is spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Jn. 4:24 KJV
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Jn. 8:32 KJV
Other online websites that focus on one word are:—not sure if this is distinctly Christian or not, but several Christian ministries are partnering with this–definitely distinctly Christian in focus
This whole one word thing fits in perfectly with another study I’m doing all year long—iBloom’s iChoose2 Love My Life. Check out my book review. In week three, we have to choose a theme for the year—exactly like picking a word or phrase!
If you’ve never picked a word, phrase or theme for the year, I encourage you to give it a try!
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(c) 2013 Cheryl Cope
Cheryl Cope on Google+
So great to meet you. I too want to fix more on one word so I chose LIVE for 2013. Then I thought I might find one of God’s words each week to help me along the way. My first word was ENJOY and today’s word is TODAY. Hopefully I figure out how to do linkys but in the meantime I am inviting comments with links to your posts about a WORD.
I love your scriptures for truth. Last year my word was TRUST and it helped me through a very difficult year.
Thanks Janis!
That’s a great word choice. When I’m pushed against the wall, or stumbling in the dark, I ask myself, “What do I know to be TRUE.” I begin to recite truth and find it centers me.
That sounds perfect!
I love having word for the year too! Last year was “More” . . . More of Him . . . More Prayer . . . More Time in the word.
This year my word is “Trust.” I am a very trusting person until someone gives me a reason not to. I feel I trust God with my whole heart and life. Yet just this past week God revealed to me an area I have not trusted him completely. For almost two years, God has been asking me “Do you trust me?” & I feel like Peter. “Yes, Lord, I trust You with all my heart.” But he kept bringing it up over and over. Till I realized there must be an area I am not trusting completely. I didn’t really see it till this week.
Love it when God does this! Humbling yet so sweet. He shows me how much He loves me by patiently waiting for me to see!
Those sound like very good words. I almost chose trust for this year.
Thanks for sharing Cheryl I hadn’t heard about this before. I love the idea of having one word that guides you throughout the year and Truth is an excellent choice.
You’re welcome. Let me know if you give it a try!
I’ve never thought about choosing a single word for the year. Great choice, as …Truth will set you free! If I had to choose one word only for the upcoming year, I’d go with FAITH as I’m looking to learn how to trust Him more no matter what’s to come. I’m choosing to step outside of my comfort zone, get uncomfortable and get aligned even more with the purpose He has for my life.
Great word!! I encourage you to check out the websites I included to help you incorporate your word into your year….especially after a couple of months goes by to keep it fresh on your mind.