The Freedom Revolution by John F Beehner
The Freedom Revolution by John F. Beehner
I found this book to be a mixture of history, religion, politics, economics and business. There was so much business information on how to run a company in a godly manner that it could almost be also classified as a business book. (It is classified only as inspiration/religion.) If you like the topics mentioned in the first sentence, especially if you like all of them, you are going to love this book.
The author made a compelling case for the connections between freedom and income and between freedom and Christianity. He included plenty of stories and quotes to keep the reading interesting. I also appreciated the thread of biblical references. He seamlessly mentions the bible, the Lord, God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit with no hint that it was simply “tacked on”.
Between the information on the Christian aspects of the founding of America, the facts on our global economy and the personal stories of successful Christian businessmen, most people will learn something new with this book.
I found my interest while reading this book (that is, how boring I thought it was) to wax and wane. I found the chapters on Christian business to be particularly fascinating. I found the Christian history of America to be mildly interesting, only because it was review for me as I learned all that good stuff while homeschooling my children—-but the majority of people still do not know a lot of this information! I found the first couple of chapters to be annoying—-if this is your experience when you start reading this book, don’t stop! It gets much better!
This book seems most suited to those people who naturally like those topics I mentioned in my first sentence. It also seems especially suited to both businesspersons and to pastors, as the author gives specific suggestions to those groups of people. It is also very suitable to the average Christian—in fact it is the average Christian who most needs this book, not already knowing this information. There are plenty of “challenges” in here for every Christian.
To purchase your own copy of this book go here: The Freedom Revolution…Rocking Our World – New Edition
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author himself. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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