The Ultimate Prescription by Dr. James L. Marcum
The Ultimate Prescription by Dr. James L. Marcum
Dr. Marcum was brave to expose some deceptions about the modern medical industry, like how many people die annually from prescribed drugs and that drugs do not cure the cause of disease but only symptoms of disease (and that is only sometimes) and that they do not cure at all but only facilitate our own body’s God-created self-healing mechanisms. Since he was almost bashing his own industry I appreciate the fact that he also included things that the medical community does right, such as help with heart attacks, acute infections, broken legs or gun shots.
The book was easy to read, logically ordered and flowed very smoothly from one paragraph to the other and from one chapter to the other. There were numerous stories and patient histories sprinkled throughout to illustrate his points and to create interest.
I was also mostly pleasantly surprised by the actual health suggestions. I loved that he talked about plain water, sleep, sun, pets, rest, music, love— a lot of important health topics that most people ignore. I loved they way he connected stress to what we believe, especially what we believe about God. I loved that he talked about our spirit-body connection.
I cannot endorse everything he said about what types of food to eat. Not only did he get his science wrong, but he got his theology wrong here, too. He is advocating a vegetarian diet. Please look up the Weston A. Price foundation for scientifically backed up information on animal products. Basically Dr. Marcum is not distiguishing between factory raised animals and family farm raised animals. Nor is he distinguishing between good fats and bad fats properly.
For theology, don’t stop with Genesis 1. Even after the fall, we were different as human beings, then with the flood, God commanded Noah to take seven (not two) of each of the “clean” animals—the ones they were to eat AND the world itself changed after the flood. Prior to the flood there was no rain. Then in the New Testament Jesus clearly ate fish.
Even though I don’t agree with all the specific nutritional recommendations in this book, for the average reader this book will have a lot of excellent and new information for them. There is too much good stuff here to ignore and it all comes full circle back to the Bible and to God. Perfect for that! If you are wondering why you’re sick and want to know some biblical principles for health you need this book.
To purchase your own copy of this book go here: The Ultimate Prescription: What the Medical Profession Isn’t Telling You
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Tyndale House Publishers as part of their Tyndale Blog Network program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 225: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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