Visual Artist Spotlight: Cassandra Cushman
Visual Artist Spotlight: Cassandra Cushman
Q1) When did you decide to become an artist?
A1. I’ve always loved to doodle and draw since I was a little girl. The artistic side went dormant for to many years. In 2006 I started making ATC’s (artist trading cards) and would trade those with ladies online. Not long after that I started making art on hang tags and trading those with ladies online and sending them to Enchanted Makeovers. It was in 2009 I watched my first mixed media workshop and was in love and it’s been going strong ever since.
Q2) When, if at all, did you realize that God had called you to be an artist?
A2. I realized that He called me when I was making the hang tags and wanted to share His word or an encouraging word on them and give them away. I started with sending them to and they were given to ladies who were/are on a new journey in their life. I feel as if it’s my ministry and letting others know they are loved or to be able to share an encouraging word with someone who is facing something that they feel they are alone in.
Q3) Where did you receive your training?
A3. I am self taught. I have watched many workshops online that have guided me.
Q4)How did your training influence what you’re doing now?
A4. The workshops I watch and have watched have influenced me to know that I can do it. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s an expression of me and my heart.
Q5)Please describe your art style and medium and why you chose that particular one (or how God influenced this choice).
A5. I chose mixed media. It’s not perfect as I am not perfect. I describe my art as chaotic because life can be, if we allow it. When I put His word on it, it’s an expression of letting me know that no matter how chaotic it gets, He’s with me and in control and I am to never forget that.
Q6)What do you do or use to keep yourself inspired for your art work?
A6. I use God’s word or encouraging words around me and I listen to worship music. The words or music bring out an emotion in me that I feel someone else might be going through and I feel led to share that. For instance, if someone is dealing with fear as I have faced many times and I read an encouraging word, there is no fear in love or do not be afraid for I am with you, or you are loved. It inspires and lifts me as much for the person who will receive it.
Q7)In what ways do you incorporate God into your work?
A7. I type out scriptures that I feel will encourage someone and then glue them somewhere on the art. My favorite thing to do is, I make girls and putting the scripture across their heart is what I love to do.
Q8) Is there a class or offer that you would like to share with my readers?
A8. Not at the moment but will be adding some videos of me creating the art here in my art room. They will be called, In the Art Room.
Q9) Any final thoughts about sharing your art work with my blog readers?
A9. I hope that my art inspires each person to know they are loved and to bring a smile to their heart.
ARTIST BIO: Cassandra Cushman
I love the Lord. I’m married to an awesome man who is supportive, understanding and helps keep me grounded. We have two sons who are twenty and fifteen. I have two dogs, Brock who is a nine year old Golden Retriever and Luke who is a seven year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
I have loved to doodle and draw since I was a little girl. That love went dormant for to many years. I started altering hang tags in 2006 that had an encouraging word on them and would send them to Enchanted Makeovers and they would be shared with ladies who are on a new journey in their life. My love for mixed media began not long after when I watched my first workshop online and fell in love with it. I’ve not looked back. This art has helped me through a lot of things in my life, it really heals your soul.
With my art, I want it to bring encouragement, a smile and for everyone to know how special and loved they are.
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If you have any questions, please email me I love receiving mail.
(c) 2012 Cheryl Cope

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