Who are you praying for?
Who are you praying for?
I hope you are praying for yourself since in its’ most basic form, prayer is speaking and listening to God back and forth.
Who to pray for
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. ! Tim. 2:1-2 KJV Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.Eph. 6:18 KJV Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. Matt. 9:38 KJV
Here we can see a few specific peoples that God wants us to be praying for: all men, those in authority, all saints, labourers for the harvest. This is not all-inclusive. God frequently gives us specific burdens for groups, nations or ministries. If He hasn’t given you a prayer burden, perhaps you never asked Him for one.
Perhaps you care deeply about a certain “issue” or a certain missionary couple. May I suggest that those could be your prayer burdens?
Looking for people to pray for
Start with your local church. There may be a prayer group or prayer ministry right there that you were unaware of. How about praying for your pastor and others in leadership there?
Are you supporting or care about any local or international ministries? Ask them if they have any formal type of prayer updates that they give out. Do the same with your favorite missionary organization or missionary couple. They probably already have at least a letter that they send out regularly to those who ask for it.
Find a prayer group
Check out some of these prayer groups. I have been involved with most of the ones that have links here at one time or another. Do not join every single one…join the one(s) that God burdens you with. Some of these groups will have a local prayer group that you can join, others will have email or web prayer updates for you to pray over.
Women’s Prayer Groups:
Lydia Fellowship International
Moms in Prayer International (Praying for our schools)
Government Prayer Groups:
National Right to Life (pro-life, mostly political issues)
Praying for the Persecuted Church:
Praying for Israel:
Praying for Muslims:
30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World
Misc. Prayer Ministries:
Healing Rooms (physical and inner healing)
***Please do NOT join all of these groups at once!! Do you already help out at your local homeless shelter? Ask them if they have a prayer ministry or how you can pray for them. Do you already help out at your local prolife ministry? They probably already have a prayer ministry in place. Do you support other groups such as prison ministry or stopping child slavery? Pray for those ministries. Pray where God has already burdened your heart.
So where is your prayer burden felt most acutely? Share it in the comment section below.
Wow! Great list of prayer groups. I did not know about many of these. Thanks for sharing!
Wow, what a great resource! Thanks for sharing, Cheryl!
Great Post Cheryl! I love all the links to the prayer groups!
Let me add one more http://www.onecry.com They are praying for revival in this nation!
I will add a link to your post on my post! I think they complement each other well!
Thanks for your addition. I will check it out!
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