11 Tips For Better Sleeping Habits
Having trouble sleeping? Do you have bad sleeping habits? In reality, what you probably have are bad lifestyle habits during the day that are affecting the quality of your sleep at night.
Most of the ideas that I will be presenting in this article will not be new to you. But here is one important point. If you are having serious trouble sleeping, then you will need to do all of the suggestions, not just some of them.
Don’t pick and choose and decide that some items are of lesser importance. For all you know, the very thing that you skip doing will be the very thing that will tip the scales into long deep restful sleep for you.
Tips For Better Sleeping
1. Keep a regular schedule. Go to bed at the same time every night, including weekends. Get up at the same time every day, including weekends.
2. No napping.
3. Keep a regular nighttime routine. Do the same things, in the same order every night to get ready for bed. Make sure this routine is relaxing and not stressful.
4. Reserve your bed for sleep and sex only. No TV, computer or reading in bed.
5. Do get regular exercise, but not closer than 3 hours before bedtime.
6. Get some sunlight everyday preferably in the morning.
7. Keep your bedroom dark, cool and quiet.
8. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and tobacco.
9. Don’t eat a big meal right before bed.
10. If you do wake up and can’t fall back asleep right away do not get anxious! Getting all stressed about it will not help you get back to sleep. Instead get up and do a quiet activity in another room with low lighting. Then when you start to feel drowsy again, go back to bed and to sleep.
11. If you try all of these suggestions or you feel you have a very serious form of sleeplessness then please contact your doctor for help.
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