11 Ways to Help Your Fellow Man in 2011
11 Ways to Help Your Fellow Man in 2011
There are three basic ways to help other people—with your prayers, with your money and with your time and effort. The following list is not all-inclusive but I hope it will give you some good ideas on how to help your fellow man in 2011.
1. Find a missionary to support with your prayers and money.
2. Go on a mission trip yourself. Your presence does make a difference.
3. At every change of season, go through your clothes and give away unused items to Goodwill or other local clothing bank.
4. Every time you go grocery shopping pick up a couple of extra cans, jars, boxes or bags of food and drop off at your local food bank.
5. Volunteer to help out once a month at your local rescue mission.
6. Sign up to sponsor a child through Compassion International or World Vision.
7. Invite people over to dinner once a month who can’t repay you.
8. Visit the elderly who are shut-in or in nursing homes on a regular basis.
9. Offer to babysit or houseclean for young mothers in your neighborhood.
10. Start or join your church’s group that delivers food to couple’s with newborns or others that are sick or needy.
11. Start a prayer group or Bible study in your house or place of employment for your neighborhood, co-workers, or friends.