Appetite Regulating Hormones
Take Aways:
- Don’t skip breakfast (if you need some breakfast ideas check out my blog post on how to get more protein for breakfast )
- Get 8 hours of sleep at night (check out my post on tips for better sleeping habits)
- Decrease your stress (check out my blog post on one way to help with stress management for Christians)
- Eat more protein
- Eat less fructose ( i.e.high fructose corn syrup, soft drinks, fruit drinks…)
- Fast for 2-3 days straight (complete food fast for at least 48 hours—this is not the same as skipping random meals) ( Please get your doctor’s permission and get the Holy Spirit’s permission first.)
- Do a combination of aerobic exercises and strength exercises on a regular basis
Which one or two take aways are you going to add into your lifestyle? Please add a comment. Scroll all the way to the bottom and enter where it says “Leave a message”.
Please feel free to “pin” this infographic to pinterest.
For me, I can fairly easily implement a few, eat breakfast, getting enough sleep, and more protien. Reducing stress will take work but is worth it!
I have applied myself its working and nice. Thank you