Book Review: 21 Seconds to Change Your World by Dr. Mark Rutland
Book Review: 21 Seconds to Change Your World by Dr. Mark Rutland
This book talks about how the Lord’s prayer is a model of prayer (pattern of prayer) and a model prayer. The author “marries” the Lord’s prayer with Psalm 23 in prayer together.
Dr. Rutland encourages the reader to stop reading and actually pray.
He breaks down each phase from both passages of scripture and puts each phrase into one chapter, sometimes coordinating phrases from both the Lord’s prayer and Psalm 23. In each chapter, as he looks at each phrase, he discusses its’ meaning and gives historical and/or real life examples and stories that tie in with that chapter’s phrase. Basically this is helping the reader see the reason why you would want to pray these prayers.
Also included are sample prayers for each phrase/chapter.
Chapter 10 was one of my favorite chapters and it goes into the topic of forgiveness looking at the phrase, Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
Dr. Rutland rewords this into a prayer, “Lord, forgive me of my sins only to the extent to which I forgive those who have sinned against me.” Then he adds in the text, “All inner healing begins right there.” I agree. Having experience as a prayer minister for three healing rooms, I’ve seen the power and importance of forgiveness over and over.
The book then goes on to give you suggestions on how to pray these two passages of scripture in a broad way. One way is to saturate yourself in it (or them) by praying it over and over several times daily for an extended period of time. A second way is to do meditational prayer, taking each word or phrase, one at a time and meditating on it. The third way is to pray congregationally, that is in church as a group out loud in unison. I would add that you could bring this practice to any small group such as a cell group, Bible study or prayer group.
Dr. Rutland calls these two passages of scripture (the Lord’s prayer and Psalm 23) “therapeutic” and has given praying these as assignments in couselling situations. If your prayer life could use a boost, if you need something new to pray, if you are in need of inner healing or simply love to pray or want to learn to pray more then this book is for you.
To purchase your own copy of this book go here:21 Seconds to Change Your World: Finding God’s Healing and Abundance Through Prayer
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers as part of their blogging for books program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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(c) 2016 Cheryl Cope
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Thanks Cheryl.I pray 2 times a day or more. I like the idea of praying with Psalms 23 and the Lords prayer. Going to try it.
He had a lot of good reasons to try it!
Sounds like a really good book!
Yes, it was good.
Love that the book goes beyond theory/theology and encourages us to actually pray!
The whole book really is encouraging you to pray.
The Meditational Prayer is helpful to understand each phrase. It highlights each word as you prayer through Scripture!