Book Review: Fast Metabolism Food Rx by Haylie Pomroy
Book Review: Fast Metabolism Food Rx by Haylie Pomroy
7 Powerful Prescriptions to Feed Your Body Back to Health
And as the subtitle continues….it is for G. I. stress, fatigue, hormones, mood, cholesterol, diabetes and autoimmunity.
Fast Metabolism Food Rx is all about repairing your metabolic pathways, using food as medicine and listening to your own body. As the author says (paraphrased), what good is eating certain foods if you can’t metabolize them properly or absorb the nutrients from them?
She first goes into what is real health and what is metabolism.
The real key to health is to be able to empower the body and purposefully manipulate what your unique body does with the particular foods you eat. (page 17)
Ms. Pomroy does include ideas for exercise and environment but believes that we are “most powerfully controlled by your food choices”, (page 17) and that, “to effect any kind of metabolic change…you have to change what you are doing.” (page 17)
Metabolism is the big-picture process of how your body takes things in and transforms them for energy, rebuilding, and repairing. (page 22)
When you change your metabolism, you can potentially change almost anything about how your body works. (page 22)
You essentially have to buy-in to this author’s theory of how illness and disease happen and to how to reverse it.
An imbalance in metabolic pathways is at the crux of all chronic disease. (page 29)
In most cases, outside of surgery: Food is the only way to repair chronic disease. (page 30)
The author then goes on to give you an introductory symptom quiz to see what your body is telling you. (pages 44-45) And there is a much more detailed quiz in the back of the book to help you determine which chapter’s “prescription” you should do first. (pages 245-248)
There are some foundational rules for good health, such as never to skip breakfast, to eat real food, don’t skip meals, do not exercise on an empty stomach, drink lots of water etc. and this includes a basic food list to eat from (which excludes gluten grains and dairy).
Then the book has a chapter with a prescription for a particular group of ailments that use the same metabolic pathways, such as:
- gastrointestinal dysfunction, indigestion and IBS
- fatigue, low energy and exhaustion
- PMS, perimenopause, menopause and manopause
- high cholesterol, inflammation, impaired lipid metabolism
- mood changes and cognitive challenges
- metabolic syndrome, blood sugar issues, prediabetes and diabetes
- immune dysfunction and autoimmune disorders
In each chapter she includes sample symptoms, targeted pathways for repair, guidelines for repair, top 20 power foods for repair, sample meal plans, sample recipes, and some nonfood strategies to include.
Not being a professional nutritionist or doctor I can’t speak as to the complete soundness of this program but from my extensive reading it does sound reasonable, safe and healthy to me.
Since most of my readers are Christian I do want to point out that this book does in NO way address spiritual issues; does not talk about the true cause of illness, stemming for Adam’s sin or as coming from demonic activity. So keep that in mind, that this book is only talking about things in the natural, and from, as far as I can tell, from a nonchristian.
This book is best suited for people who are looking for help in natural to some of their health problems and that already believe in the premise that food is medicine or at least that food is a very good way to be a good steward of your own health.
To purchase your own copy of this book go here:Fast Metabolism Food Rx: 7 Powerful Prescriptions to Feed Your Body Back to Health
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group as part of their blogging for books program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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(c) 2016 Cheryl Cope
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Hi Cheryl, I actually do a lot of study on digestive health myself since I am in the health niche. It was good to read this review and hear some of her ideas. As far as food being the only way to repair chronic illness, I would have to add that all-natural supplements can provide even greater help toward wellness. And of course, as you mentioned, we must include the spiritual aspect too and that God is Jehovah Rapha.
Yes, I agree, we all need extra supplementation in one fashion or another!