Book Review: Satan Exposed by Larry Richards
Book Review: Satan Exposed by Larry Richards
Satan Exposed is all about spiritual warfare but it is much more about thoughts, beliefs and attitudes than it is about confronting and casting out demonic entities. In fact, it is not about the latter at all. But that’s o.k. because according to a prominent deliverance minister that I heard recently, 80% of deliverance is about renewing our minds from believing lies to believing truths. So that is what this book is all about, and it is much needed in the body of Christ.
The author begins with an introduction to the invisible war and how humankind got to where we are today. Unless you are totally new to this type of information this will probably be review for you.
Section two is where the good stuff begins. For each chapter of which he begins with “The Gift of…” (as examples: The Gift of Family, The Gift of Peace), the author goes over the tactics of the enemy which are not in mere list form but includes clear real life examples of how each tactic is frequently played out.
A few of these tactics are (list is not meant to be exhaustive):
- to encourage relativism
- to isolate age groups
- to distort our concept of God
- to convince believers that they are unlovable
- to increase the accusation
- to convince us that God is both capricious and easily angered
- to attack our sense of self-worth
- to use wealth to corrupt a person’s character
- to erode the concept of truth
- to cause doubt
Personal stories and scriptural citations also abound and directly tie into each point the author is trying to make.
One of the best things I liked about this book was that it did not stop with talking about the bad, but in every chapter in section two it included a list of ideas to be pro-active on the positive side.
If you are a Christian interested in spiritual warfare and particularly in renewing your mind, this book is worth it for you. If you are looking for a book that talks about how to cast out demons this is not the book for you.
To purchase your own copy of this book go here:Satan Exposed: Defeating the Powers of Darkness
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Chosen Publishers as part of their blogging for books program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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(c) 2015 Cheryl Cope
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Thank you for sharing. Its always good to know what the enemies plans are so we can be more effective in our war fare aganist him.
Yes, and as I said in my review he gives excellent real-life examples that are helpful.
Interesting! I will have to add this to my ever-lengthening to-read list!
I know what you mean. I have a long list of books to read as well.
This book sounds like a doctrinally sound book, and I agree with the author’s estimation of deliverance being 80% of renewing our minds in Christ Jesus. Thank you for the excellent review. It sounds like worthwhile reading!
Carrie & Chanda
It was not *this* author that said the 80% statistic but rather a prominent deliverance minister that heads a deliverance association, that came to speak at my church, Bill Sudduth.
This books sounds like it can useful to many believers. The battle definitely begins in our minds. I like that the author is going after that area.
Yes, the battle is mostly in our minds!
Based on the review I would say the book is worth reading especially for those interested in this aspect. Great!
If you do end up reading it yourself please let me know how you like it!