Book Review: The Biblical Guidebook to Deliverance by Randy Clark
Book Review: The Biblical Guidebook to Deliverance by Randy Clark
I found this book to be comprehensive in its scope of subtopics included under the main topic of deliverance.There were good summaries of each area or point included, including excellent real life examples from the author’s own life and ministry and examples from other Christian minister’s lives.
Some of the topics discussed were, what deliverance is from a biblical theology standpoint, history of deliverance in the church, who the devil is, signs of demonization, inner healing issues related to deliverance, the connection to the occult, the connection to freemasonry (and renouncing prayers for each level), and guidelines on how to minister deliverance. Each area had good explanations but also each area could have been ( and has been) expanded into whole volumes of books. Mr. Clark did recommend a few books for further study in the beginning of this book.
I especially liked Mr. Clark’s style of writing that was so genuine and authentic. I could really relate to some of his points and they would make me laugh out loud, not out of disrespect but out of understanding. I also especially liked all of the real life examples from his own life. This helped to make, The Biblical Guidebook to Deliverance, a book of experience and wisdom and not just a book of theories.
Notable quotes:
In Greek the same word is used for all three categories, but in English we try to use several words: possessed, oppressed, obsessed…John Wimber believed that it is better to use one word, demonized, with the understanding that it can mean from mild to severe. [page 50]
You may also see sudden drowsiness, facial contortions, screaming, a rigid body, a lack of eye contact, or eyes that roll around, especially rolling back so you can only see the whites of the eyes, and changing voice. Remember, demons do not always manifest, and physical manifestations such as these do not always indicate the presence of demons. Each instance needs to be investigated and evaluated to determine the root cause. The Holy Spirit is always available to guide us with discernment. [page 61-62] [I especially like the way this author does not make sweeping blanket statements but leaves things up for the Holy Spirit to determine.]
One of our goals in deliverance ministry is to rob the demonic of every opportunity to humiliate. If the begin to speak, we command them to be silent…We never allow the demonic to be in control during deliverance. [page 93]
Since Mr. Clark frequently writes and speaks in a way that relates his experiences to how he started off in a place of unbelief and then moved to a place of belief in an area, readers who are unsure as to the reality of demons or unsure as to the need of deliverance or are unsure as to how to go about deliverance at all, will appreciate the story part of how the author got from belief to unbelief in this area.
This book contains excellent introductions into the theology of deliverance and the history of deliverance and other such areas so if you need a good overview or are wondering how a former Baptist preacher has come to believe in deliverance as a charismatic person now, then this book is for you. If you are interested in a detailed book on a particular area of deliverance then you need to seek out other books that are more focused in their coverage.
To purchase your own copy of this book go here:The Biblical Guidebook to Deliverance
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Charisma House Publishers through their blogging for books program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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(c) 2015 Cheryl Cope
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i may buy this – this is what’s called as they used to say – “keepin it real”…
Yes, it was “real”.
So interesting Cheryl. I have to say it’s not a topic I often contemplate; however, it sounds like the author is able to convey his knowledge of the subject in a very personal and meaningful way.
Yes, not a lot of people talk about this topic but I believe we should be talking about it.
Detailed and educational review. I can’t say that I know much about deliverance as a subject. This book appears to be a good resource on the subject.
Yes, this is a very good resource on the topic of deliverance!
Good detail to show the full scope of the book. Looks like a good resource for the subject of deliverance! Thank you!
You’re welcome! Thanks for stopping by Pam!