Does God Care About Your Body Size?
Does God Care About Your Body Size?
Of course He does. He cares about everything about you, but He may care about it in a different way than you think.
To start with, God cares about several things more than the issue of your body size or body weight.
Firstly, He cares about the destiny of your eternal soul. Do you know for sure where you will spending eternity? If you’re not sure and would like to be, check out this link
[Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with that website and I am not endorsing everything they have on that page, let alone on the web.]
God cares about your relationship with Him.
After your soul’s eternal destiny, God also cares about your relationship with Him, now and here. How is your relationship with God? Are you listening to Him daily as well as talking to Him?
How are your relationships with other people? Is there anyone you need to forgive? Is there anyone you need to make restitution to? God is all about relationships and those are way more important to Him than anything to do with your physical body.
I do not have the space to go over everything that God is concerned with—-that would take a very large book—hey, I think He already wrote it— the Bible!
God does care about your physical body.
When it comes to your actual physical body, a couple of things that God is concerned about are whether you have enough food to keep on living and whether you have any sickness or disease in your body.
He also cares about whether you are eating too much. Another word for eating too much is gluttony. It is pretty clear in the Bible that gluttony is a sin, but have you thought about why it might be considered a sin? What is God really concerned with here?
Why does God care about your overeating?
Do you think that God is most concerned with the way your body looks? Do you think He is most concerned about the health of your body as it relates to overeating?
It all goes back to your relationship with God. Are you trusting God to supply all your needs? Are you looking to Him for your comfort, security, love, and affirmation? Are you obedient to Him?
These are the things that God is more concerned about. But having said all that, going back to the beginning, God does care about the size of your body. If God cares enough about you to number the hairs on your head (see Mt. 10:30) then He cares also about the size, weight and health of your body.
You can trust God.
If follows then, that you can trust God to provide for all the food you need to live, to provide for all the healing your body needs, and to provide for all the love, comfort, security and affirmation you need.
You can also trust God to provide for your needs as they relate directly to your body size or weight. If you need food, new clothes, information, emotional support, medical intervention, new habits, self-discipline, or whatever it is that you need, God can provide. He will provide if you ask Him in faith and trust patiently for the answer.
If there is anything I can help you with, please let me know. Please check out my other blog posts and my coaching services. Also check back soon for details on a new 8 week Christian weight loss group coaching program that I getting ready to roll out.