Quotes on the Cross of Christ
Quotes on the Cross of Christ
We are all culpable in the death of Christ. My sins, your sins put Him on that cross. Jim Caviezel
God proved his love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, ‘I love you’. Billy Graham
Life is wasted if we do not grasp the glory of the cross, cherish it for the treasure that it is, and cleave to it as the highest price of every pleasure and the deepest comfort in every pain. What was once foolishness to us—a crucified God—must become our wisdom and our power and our only boast in this world. John Piper
Men have said that the cross of Christ was not a heroic thing, but I want to tell you that the cross of Jesus Christ has put more heroism in the souls of men than any other event in human history. John G. Lake
Outside of the cross of Jesus Christ, there is no hope in this world. That cross and resurrection at the core of the Gospel is the only hope for humanity. Wherever you go, ask God for wisdom on how to get that Gospel in, even in the toughest situations of life. Ravi Zacharias
All heaven is interested in the cross of Christ, all hell terribly afraid of it, while men are the only beings who more or less ignore its meaning. Oswald Chambers
A cheap Christianity, without a cross, will prove in the end a useless Christianity, without a crown. J.C. Ryle
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(c) 2016 Cheryl Cope

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