The Core of Christian Time Management
The Core of Christian Time Management
First What it is NOT: Asking God to bless our plans
O.K. this is not a bad thing, by any stretch of the imagination but I believe there is a better way—a way that is more central to or a core to Christian time management.
Planning Long-term
It is NOT bad to plan long term, in fact this is very needed, but again I do not think this is a core to Christian time management. Even getting out your yearly or monthly calendar and praying over it and asking God to bless it, or for God to guide you in making choices is not the best way to manage your time. The problem here is not that you are planning or that you are praying but it is the time issue, the length of time you are trying to control.
What it is: Daily Time Management
Note: Again, this does NOT mean that you should not plan long term! We all need to know where we are headed and a framework to work from. I just don’t think that is enough.What I suggest is the core of Christian time management involves two things. Firstly it involves a minimum of daily interaction with the Lord, but preferably many times per day. Secondly it involves interaction or prayer or asking the Lord what He wants you to do with your time. I just don’t think that yearly, quarterly, monthly, or weekly planning, even asking Him what He wants is enough! Daily is barely enough!
So what am I suggesting?
Asking the Lord what He wants us to be doing with our time every morning and throughout the day.
Sample Questions:
- In the morning: Lord, is there anything that I have on my schedule today that is not according to your will or is there anything missing from my schedule that you would like me to add in? (I think it is obvious that this would involve prayer and listening to God—hearing God and then doing what He says.)
- Throughout the day: Lord, what do you want me to do or say right now? (I hope that it is also obvious that this involves obedience and giving up control of your own time—don’t bother asking God this if you have no intention of doing what He says!)
In what ways are you involving God in your schedule planning and time management right now? Have you readjusted your thinking from reading my blog post? Would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below.
(c) 2012 Cheryl Cope