Top Two Strategies for Habit Change
The very top and most important strategy for successful habit change is prayer to God.
Have you first asked God if this is something that you should be working on or concerned about? God may have other things that He wants you to concern yourself with at this time.
After having determined that God wants you to focus on this issue, have you taken the time to ask God for help and wisdom for your specific habit change endeavor? Sometimes we simply forget to pray about things that are important to us.
Were you specific in your requests of God? If you are not specific, then you will have trouble knowing when God is helping you, and in turn will not thank Him for it.
Second top strategy for successful habit change
The second top strategy is trusting God. Are you now trusting God for the help and wisdom that you specifically asked Him for? Are you looking for it, expecting it to come? Are you thanking Him for it in advance, knowing that He will answer you?
There you have it. So simple, yet so neglected. Ask God and trust Him to answer you.
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