You Were Born for This by Bruce Wilkinson
You Were Born for This by Bruce Wilkinson
As with a lot of books the subtitle seems to tell us a little bit more than the title about what the book is about. This is the case with this one—7 Keys to a Life of Predictable Miracles.
I did not consider the authors (co-authored with David Kopp) to be in a certain Christian “camp” that I thought was more familiar with real miracles but I was pleasantly surprised as I read this book. For one thing, I can tell you that this book is “anointed”. I would guess that they had several intercessors praying over the manuscript. How do I know this? Every single true miracle story in this book gripped my heart and brought tears to my eyes so that I had to very actively refrain from making a disturbing noise. O.K., I tend to cry easily, but still, this does not happen with every book I read!
The actual instructions on how to live a life of predictable miracles was simply and very clearly laid out—very well done. A couple of items in particular that I liked were the way that the authors referred to us (Christians partnering with God) as delivery people. That makes it very easy to do the next item that I appreciated was included—making sure to give God the credit or glory for the miracle. If we are simply the delivery person, we don’t own the miracle which makes it easy to pass on the credit to the real owner, God.
As far as the actual steps required to live this sort of life the authors are talking about, I will leave it for you to read the book. The purpose of my book review is not to provide a summary.
Another feature included in the book that I liked was the discussion questions at the end. There was a lot of information to absorb and including these will make it easier for most readers to actually incorporate all these steps into their lives.
If you are ready to partner with God to deliver miracles to others then don’t delay and go out and buy this book!
To purchase your own copy of this book go here: You Were Born for This: Seven Keys to a Life of Predictable Miracles
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group as part of their Blogging For Books program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16CFR, Part 225:”Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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